Floating will reduce stress and give your body a chance to sleep.
Sleep is part of our natural life and has obvious benefits experienced by us all. Unfortunately, research suggests that between 33% and 42% of adults experience insomnia each year, and the numbers are certainly not decreasing. The increase of stress, high blood pressure, multitasking, and business are some of the leading causes of insomnia, and it can be hard for sufferers to slow down enough to reach the necessary level of relaxation required for sleep.
The good news is that there is a solution. Floating in a float room will release stress and allow you to sleep, plus it’s perfectly safe and natural. Floatation therapy is gaining some serious traction among medical experts and sufferers alike.
Many floaters fall asleep during their float session and experience levels of extreme relaxation. Some doctors suggest 1 hour of sleep in a float tank is equivalent to 4-8 hours of deep sleep. This is believed to be true for a number of reasons, but here are three big ones:
- The floating effect is physiological, your body will respond even if your brain and mind are anxious. The relaxation is automatic, it is an evolved response to floating, common to all humans, it will work even if your brain remains active in the float session, as it can sometimes. Therefore it works in many stressful situations.
- Floatation therapy helps people mentally de-stress. This makes it easier for the brain to downshift from alpha waves into theta waves. Theta waves, which are the gateway to sleep, allow the body to transition into the delta waves required for REM. While prolonged sleep is usually not possible in a float session, the therapy session allows people to sleep better during the night.
- The anti-gravity effect the tank produces is physically refreshing. Many sufferers of insomnia find it difficult to relax their muscles at night. Floatation therapy removes the effects of gravity on the body and allows muscles to reach deep levels of relaxation. This is particularly useful for those suffering from back and neck pain.
Floatation therapy has dozens of additional benefits, but these three are especially helpful for those who find it hard to sleep at night.
Just one float session can be so effective as to break a long pattern of bad sleep, because one good night’s sleep will lead to another. Give it a try, you may be surprised how good it feels.
Article courtesy of A Better Me Spa.
22nd January, 2016